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We have

the experience!

Eduline has long experience in management of educational and publishing projects.
Backed with the Founder 20+ years of Educational projects managements in the region.

The company proudly started in 2016 with the MEGA project of editing & translating educational Math and science books to the UAE MoE ( Under McGraw_Hill ), our role in cultural editing & Translation reviewing was challenging but the most enjoyable project we went through in our professional Career.

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Cambridge University
CUP is the oldest, most prestigious press in the world.
McGraw Hill is One of the leading publishers in the world.
Discovery education
Discovery Eductaion is considered as the best provider of educational videos.
Heinemann UK
Now under Pearson, was considered one of the leading publishers.
Boclips UK 2019
Boclips is the largest provider of videos for the Educational market.
MENA Teacher Trainer
Agent of MEG accredited from State board of Illinois Chicago , USA.